Thursday 10 May 2012


Duality exists , and is ever more present . Of both being and not being . Of both for and against , of both other and self, of both yes and no , of both existing and not existing . Furthermore is the question of time in this instance being and not being over and over , until it has never been in the first place.
Not that these things matter. Because they will never have mattered and never will, whilst still of course being of the utmost importance. It could be thought of as a conundrum to resolve a point somewhere of singularising the duality. but that would be missing the point , if of course there is a point . Duality is a parallel , like to simultaneous train tracks that exist together yet never shall meet , infact cannot ever meet without ceasing to be. Of course that would be true if such as thing as direction also existed . Which of course it doesn't for if it did it would imply some sort of singular purpose , some sort of history , past present and future . Which obviously then negates the very conceptualisation of the duality in the first place . Or the second place , or even the last place . Except not the last place or the first ; which in itself prevents the actual progression to the second place . So infact it exists in neither the first , nor the last nor any place in between , meaning, that is to say that it has never existed in the first place and never will . Except of course that it did and still does and always will because If it hadn't or doesn't or won't it couldn't have not existed either.

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