Thursday, 5 April 2012

It's like being a million monkeys at a million typewriters except theres's only three of us

I'm starting this blog as a record. Because if there isn't a record then it doesn't really exist. I mean it probably doesn't exist anyway. It might do. It's definitely does. Probably. Its not like there's isn't already a record. There's 14 of them. Or 16 . I forget. It probably doesn't matter anyway. There's also some more, some better ones. Well better in that they have been recorded more accurately and are therefore a better record. But they haven't been finished and it's debatable if improving the accuracy of the record improves what is recorded. That is to say the quality of the record itself. As for those 14 I don't really know where they are possible in a box on their way to Spain . Possibly in a box under a bed. More likely. It's difficult being this post modern. Everything and nothing existing at the same time. I mean it's not as simple as it use to be, you could just put on a copy of odelay and marvel at the juxtaposition. But then that was when it was new . When those others were inventing it. Now it's become all we've ever known. For those that have always known it that is . And it takes so much more effort . You have to listen , I mean you really have to listen. And you can't even decide if you like it, or if you are supposed to like it. The irony is important , but you can never be too sure if it really exists. It's probably just a function of all that globalisation. And all that Internet. They are probably important. Probably. I wonder if I should tell the others , if I did they would see it , they might disagree , or worse they might agree . Then it would become important , then it would have meaning and with meaning comes a drive for quality, for accuracy of recordings , recordings that don't really exist . Tvtvtv. All that trash . Recordings of trash. For vultures . That's not even words we use. Like hot pot that's a word with meaning. A word with heritage. Not trash and certainly not vulture. Globalisation I suppose .

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