Thursday, 16 August 2012

days like these

days like these leave me feeling blue. days after, days like these.

i wonder if steven "third" reich has days like these

or if its all happy clapping for him as well. 

just the two of us

Just the two of us - we can make it if we try .

hipsters and capitalism that is

a haw haw haw

its a bit like julias theme

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Values less than 1

Social political and moral values are entirely subjective. When a group of patients from an Icelandic mental hospital go to dine at a fine restaurants, they are right to end their meal with a set of fine cigars, a cognac and a cheque to the waiter saying. "We are mental patients from Klepp, please kindly call the police and have us returned". Many people have explored these concepts and tried to redefine these boundaries shape and shift them, push and pull them to contort the values towards their own world view. In truth it doesn't really matter , its just about BIG DADDY, getting hegemonic on yo ass.

Monday, 6 August 2012

Pollination and collaboration

TVTVTVTVTVTV is proud to introduce myredhotcar a blogger that has previously been in Whatwouldthecaptiando together with this here writer. . He blogs about making and build and making and building. you should probably look yourself rather than taking my word for it .Learn how to build a synth, or wobble the step of the dub with the light.

He is an important collaborator and from collaboration comes songs with pollination that avoid sound like ducks fed to right said bread